New Delly Belly! premiered on the 10th of September 2009, at The Epicentre, Gurgaon. Produced by film director/producer Mahiema Anand of Zonsta Creation, this unique live multiple media show presented insightful & thought provoking perspectives on memories and portraits of New Delhi in 2009. New Delly Belly!, a collaboration between multiple media artist Ashim Ghosh, musician Deepak Castelino and theatre director & video artist Amitesh Grover, featured original music & lyrics, multi-screen projections and live surround sound, as an exciting and sensual audiovisual experience. The performance celebrated some of the good things about life in Delhi, and some not so good ones, in innovative ways, using humour, creative video & photographs, acting and even a live shaadi (wedding) band. A diverse range of original songs and audiovisuals were presented live, from celebrating Delhi’s new Metro and nostalgia about University days in the early 80’s, to a range of socio-political issues like terrorism, power shortage, water crises, road rage and beeping mobiles. There was incessant rain through the night of 9th September and the whole day on the 10th, giving rise to lots of traffic jams, delays and technical problems in the performance. However, the show went off quite well and the hall was mostly full despite unfavourable weather conditions. The audience appreciated the original and unique format of New Delly Belly! and responded rather positively... |
New Delly Belly! Premier 10th of September 2009 The Epicentre, Gurgaon, INDIA.
pix by Ashwani Tyagi New Delly Belly! Premier 10th of September 2009 The Epicentre, Gurgaon, INDIA.
click to watch a DoorDarshan TV report on the New Delly Belly Premier
REVIEWS METRO NOW, New Delhi, 12th Sept'09 |
THE ASIAN AGE, New Delhi, 14th Sept'09